Friday, April 24, 2015


When it comes to making progress on a house, it’s not always easy. The dust, the dirt, the mistakes, the clutter… the unfinished-ness of it all can be frustrating, and the bright spots of seeing progress seem temporary in comparison to the project-fueled mess that us DIYers often find ourselves in. But today, I caught a sweet […]

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Completed: Imperfect Crown Molding (& A Tool To Share)

The laundry room crown is done! And much like any project that has ever intimidated me, it actually wasn’t as bad as I’d made it out to be in my head (to those of you who made that exact comment on my last update about this room, I’ll say it: you were right). Let’s backtrack […]

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Monday, April 13, 2015

The Azaleas Bloomed!

It’s no secret that as far as gardening is concerned, I’m still a beginner. Or even less than a beginner. A nonstarter? A plant killer? Anyway, point is, I was a little fearful that the trauma my azaleas experienced earlier this spring might keep them from blooming. Which trauma, you might ask? This: I mean, […]

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Friday, April 10, 2015

Laundry Room Progress: Lights, Crown, and Shelf Pondering

For the last week or two, I briefly mentioned that I was working on a couple of updates in the laundry room. I’m not even close to finished with the room yet, but thought today would be a good time for some progress pics. Let’s start with the new stuff: New light fixture: I bought a new […]

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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

How to Turn Favorite Quotes Into Art with a Watercolor Border

Happy Monday, folks. Thought I’d share a quick DIY with you today while I finish up some updates in the laundry room and kitchen. Remember the #craftnado I mentioned last Monday? I’ve been trying each month to do a small DIY project that is more on the creative side, and for March, I decided to experiment with some […]

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