Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Reader Remarks: Where Should I Put This Outdoor Eyesore?

Jeez, how is it Wednesday already?! Is anyone else experiencing a springtime blur like I am? The weekend disappeared before I could blink, and I find myself sitting here with a post I intended to publish on Monday. I guess life just goes that way sometimes, though it would be nice to hit the pause button every now and then.

A quick update on some recent DIY: I've been working on a few projects around the house in the last week, and I very nearly finished all the window casing…

adding molding to bedroom windows

I was shy by about 6 pieces thanks to some too-tired-to-math errors, but I've picked up the remaining pieces and will be completing it today! I predict a lot of patching, sanding, and painting in my future, but it will be nice to have this goal finally crossed off the list.

Also, I am SORE today. Softball season has started again, and I needed new cleats after one of my soles literally peeled off of my last pair during our fall season tournament (tournament champs, by the way… woot!). Our first game (and first win) was last night, so I had to run out and get a new pair. I was baffled (and annoyed) by the complete lack of selection.

gendered softball cleats

Why the heck do manufacturers assume I must like pink if I'm a chick? Nothing wrong with pink, but the assumption always irritates me, and I take my shopping dollars elsewhere if it's the only option. I'm much more drawn to blue and green, and this was pretty much the only thing I found in the first few stores I looked through (I don't often do online shopping with sports shoes because the fit is so important… I need to try them on!). Thankfully, I found one simple, black pair and was even able to do a little haggling with the store's comparison shopping guarantee, so I walked away with a great pair that will last for several more tiresome seasons. That also isn't hot pink.

Anywho, I was recently brainstorming with a friend about where to hide the super ugly trash bin that I've been lazily stashing in front of the garage door when it's not at the curb:

The Ugly Duckling House 2016

In previous years, when the house looked like a pile of dog shit, the trash bin really didn't catch my attention. Between the rotting and termite-infested siding, overgrown landscaping, and other improvements needed, I had far too many other things that stood out and screamed MAKE ME PRETTY AGAIN to even care that there was a plastic eyesore sitting in front of… well, all of the other eyesores. At the very least, I didn't have to worry about it disintegrating, increasing my heating bill, or otherwise damaging me financially. But after all of the work I've done on the exterior and spring rolling around once more, I have found myself silently admiring my house when I either make the turn down my street or pull out of the driveway. And each time, the trash bins have been capturing my eye, too.

My friend Jacque and I were kicking around a few ideas for a good place to store them, and I just couldn't seem to pull the trigger and make a decision. That's when I realized that instead, I should just ask you guys! You've helped me make decisions like these in the past, and I've grown to like the debate it sparks whenever there are a lot of equally good suggestions out there. So, let's break it down to the basics, and you guys can let 'er rip.

What I want to do:

Create a leveled-out spot, somewhere near the house, to keep as a semi-hidden and designated area for the trash and the recycling bin. Kind of like the one my buddy Nick from The Sawdust Maker did here, but not exactly this:

sawdust maker

This is a simple idea I like as well:

lattice garbage can hider

The challenge:

It's not really about what I'm planning to build (I already have a pretty good idea), but where. I have been trying to think of a place to put it that I'll also actually use - in that it's already sitting in my driveway because this is as far as I'm usually willing to drag it when I haven't had my morning coffee yet. And that trash guy always comes early when I have forgotten to drag it to the curb!

Also: the bins are supplied by my county and are LOUD when dragging them anywhere. This little, irksome trait is actually kind of a pain because my neighbors always seem to pick the exact moment when I'm half-asleep to move theirs to or from the curb each week, and I don't want to inflict the same kind of extended boulder-rolling sound on them whenever I do it (I often remember to move them at, like, 2 AM). I know this probably shouldn't play any type of influence on where I stash these for the majority of the time, but it's just annoying, and I like to make the loud noise stop as soon as possible. Especially when it's my bin, and therefore right next to my earballs.

Expectations vs. reality:

In every DIY project, it's good to be honest with yourself. How much effort do I want to put into this? What are my usual habits? I know there are going to be some folks (coughcoughMomcough) who will suggest that I move it to places like behind the backyard fence or around the other side of the house, but I also recognize that I'm far too lazy. Essentially, this is a project about what will work best vs. my usual routine, because I know myself and I don't plan on changing it for a stupid trash can. If I pick the wrong spot that feels like too much effort compared to putting it at the front of the garage door when I'm half asleep, I'll have spent time and money on a solution that actually isn't, and an eyesore it will remain.

The options

1. I know I could easily stash it in the garage… if it weren't already tiny and I needed the space for DIY projects.

inside of garage

2. I could move it over to the left side of the house, near the A/C unit, where there really isn't anything already growing or taking up space. The space itself is pretty much perfect, save for having to style the area a little (more on that in a summer project post). And the fact that the chimney juts out from the house on this side is (probably) one of the reasons why the A/C is over here, because it's hidden from the street view. But I'm already too lazy to do this because 1) it requires dragging the trash can across the entire front yard to move it to this side, so 2) I'd already be doing this if this were the easy choice. So, it's still a “meh” option overall.

AC unit area

3. I could drag it behind the backyard fence, but I'm clearly not really willing to do that currently, so it's again kind of not an option either. I'd just wind up sticking it back in the driveway when I feel lazy, which is always.

4. The best two options seem to be to somehow find a way to work it into the garden on the right side of the house, right next to the garage. Which, I guess, is good that I hadn't yet finished landscaping it. But I guess I'm debating over whether I should put it really close to the front area (such as behind the first large shrub) or move it closer to the back, where I'm planning on adding a small tree (where potentially the tree's limbs would kind of grow over the top of whatever I build and shield the structure even more, but will take some time to grow in well). The only downside to that idea is that maybe I'll still be too lazy just to drag it another few feet closer to the back of the house.

garage side of the house options

I know, I know… we're talking a supreme level of laziness here. But this is not a high-priority project, just a get-it-out-of-the-driveway sort of deal. I know I'm not going to try all that hard on a weekly basis to make sure I stash something neatly and I constantly forget to drag the bin to the curb every week, so I'd rather play into that than give myself something else I need to remember to do all the time Hell, I manage to wash my clothes and dishes on a regular basis these days… so let's just call this another baby step towards adulting the way I'm supposed to.

If you have any ideas for what the actual structure should look like, I'm all ears, but I'm attracted to this idea (or a variation) the most. I see lots of options on Pinterest using gravel at the bottom, but I'm hesitant to use it if I know that the gravel will probably start spreading into my mulch or onto my grass if I'm carelessly dragging a trash bin on top of it (which will then be a nightmare for my mower). So, I think creating a paver bottom, even though it will take a little more work, will be the easier way to go long-term. Got any other ideas to offer? I'd love to hear 'em!

The post Reader Remarks: Where Should I Put This Outdoor Eyesore? appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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