Sunday, May 29, 2016

Little Ducklings

Okay, nobody panic: the title of this post is not some cutesy way of announcing a pregnancy or something. All I wanted to do was show you a new collection I've unintentionally started in my office:

brass duck paperweight collection
(This post contains affiliate links.)

I picked up this brass duck paperweight from this Etsy shop a few months ago. I wasn't really looking for it, but it's almost like Etsy knew that I liked ducks or something.

When I created this site more than six years ago, the blog name merely came about from the children's tale, of course, sort of winking at the idea that someday, my house might not look like hot garbage (that link is to the very first post, complete with listing photos). But over time, I've grown to like the symbol and tend to get a big grin whenever I see ducks (ducklings, in particular) around. This past Christmas, my mom even gave me a small gold duckling charm for a bracelet… and I guess the idea has been sitting in the back of my mind to add a duck or duckling (or two) as decor ever since.

brass duckling paperweight

Not long after the first one shipped, I spotted another antique duckling paperweight in yet another Etsy shop and basically purchased it before I even realized what I was doing (let's just be honest, there was totally alcohol involved). I don't regret buying it though; in fact, I like it even more than the first one. So cute!

Both of these little paperweights are displayed on my office shelves for now, but they might find a new home by year's end as I'm thinking of adding some built-ins to the living room (more on that in a future post). I suppose having only two doesn't even make it a “collection” yet, but I also don't think I'm going to really try to add more (I'm not much of the collector type). You never know!

brass duckling collection

How about you? Do you have a collection of anything in your home? Where do you display it?

(sources of other items in photos: buffalo skull print / teal vase / vintage ruler)

The post Little Ducklings appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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