Thursday, June 9, 2016

Next Week: Living DIY Challenge!

As you guys have seen from time to time in the last year or so, I have been participating in a few group DIY challenges, usually involving a little graphic that looks like this:

DIY challenges
(Your eyes arent' playing tricks on you… one of the hosts just picked her own graphic instead because she marches to her own drummer, and that's one of the many reasons I adore that woman.)

For each, it's a pretty simple concept: the host (which changes every time) picks a theme, those of us who can make time for it all run with it, and then we link up on a future date and show off our work. It becomes a really creative challenge in most cases, since when I participate, it both gets me to cross something off my to-do list in a timely manner (biggest challenge of all) and showcases some pretty awesome talent from others:

organize challenge
from: Pneumatic Addict / House of Wood / Kim Six Fix

In past challenges, I've waffled* between being extremely proud of my work and somewhat underwhelmed by it, but that's kind of the point of these: to get a little ambitious, test my own skills, and actually see if I can ROCK this. Especially since I'm not really a woodworking blogger (I would instead describe my blogging niche as “complete do-it-yourself sh*tshow”), making mistakes and succeeding alike have both increased my general knowledge and confidence. And, I'll admit, they always make me want more tools. Check out some of my past challenges here:



Anyway - why am I bringing this up? Because next week on Wednesday, June 15th, I'm actually the one hosting this time. Which means either one of two things will happen: either it will be exactly as awesome as all of the other challenges have been so far, or I will be a complete disaster and everyone will school me. Either way, it should make for a pretty entertaining post for all of you. First challenge: what theme do I pick?

I'm no stranger to picking up a challenge, like I did with the Pinterest one I co-hosted ages ago or the two Dueling DIY challenges that I did for both my staircase and my kitchen (speaking of, I need to do another one of those soon… I miss the smack talk!). But this time, the concept is more about picking a single theme for everyone to aspire to (rather than a room in a house or whatever). So since I've been getting my hands dirty with so many outdoor projects lately and have plants on the brain, the one I picked falls right in line: LIVING DIY!

The topic is broad enough that it can include a lot of different project ideas: hanging air plants, succulent terrariums, planters, bird houses, pet feeders (like the one I've been wanting to build for Charlie), etc. As long as it's a DIY project involving something living that also isn't a person (I say that because technically, anything someone does in their home, like building a coffee table, is usually a benefit for a person, so that would broaden it a little too much). But please - no goldfish toilets, okay?

living diy challenge

You'll see a blog hop from some awesome blogging and building friends who are planning to participate, and then there will be a linkup for you if you want to add your project too (use the graphic above and link back to my post if you're planning to participate so people know what's going on). My post and blog hop will be going live next Wednesday, June 15th, so be sure to stop by and ready to click. In the meantime, I'm going to be outside this afternoon and finishing up a project or two (I haven't talked about what I'm doing for this challenge yet on the blog, so it will be something different from what you already know I'm working on). I'll be dropping hints or showing sneak peeks on Facebook Live if I can ever manage to get some coffee in my system and makeup on my face (I have been using Periscope, but I haven't tried FL yet, so I think I'll do both and see which I like better). More DIY coming tomorrow!

*Mmmm… waffles.

The post Next Week: Living DIY Challenge! appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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