Thursday, August 11, 2016

I Should Not Be This Excited About Dirt.

There is a comically large pile of dirt in my yard, and I'm reacting the way I usually do about any major DIY project: Cameron Diaz underpants dance.


I NEED TO CALM DOWN RIGHT NOW. I mean, it's just a pile of fill dirt. A giant pile, but dirt nonetheless. It's making me so damn happy.

giant pile of fill dirt 81 recycling
Dirt angels, anyone?

This dirt pile means that my back yard is finally (!!! all the exclamations) going to get some major overhauling. It also means that a life-size Tonka toy is going to be delivered soon to help me move this pile into place and grade things out. And a group of my friends will be coming over this weekend to watch it all go down, where we will possibly make crude jokes using phrases like “dirty hoe” (or whatever, it's not like I've been writing them down on a list or anything). It's going to be pretty great.

cartoon me on backhoe

Folks, I am literally moving the earth. I'm pretty sure that means I'm going to be obnoxious to all of my friends and speak in a loud, booming, blasphemous voice for a few days. It's a good thing then that we're also going to be videotaping a lot of it for my Youtube channel. I expect lots and lots of laughs… and free labor.

The dirt is here… the equipment is arriving soon… 811 has my utility lines marked off… and I'm ready to go. I'll be keeping you posted on Facebook Live, Instagram stories, Snapchat, and maybe even Pokemon Go or whatever other of-the-moment social media frenzy suddenly decides to announce itself until the Youtube video recapping the whole thing is finished, as well as take tons of photos to share soon on the blog for how everything went down, what you need to know when doing this yourself, etc. At this point, I'm praying everything will go smoothly and that we will all have a good time while still making sure people don't do something stupid, like ripping down my power lines. Wish me luck. ;)

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy & effectiveness of the information displayed on this website, The Ugly Duckling House is for entertainment purposes only. All tutorials and demonstrations are not intended to be professional advice (nor substitute as such), and I make no guarantees as to the procedures and information here. Creating with my suggested methods, materials, and tools is under your own risk. Please ensure you are following proper guidelines with anything used, and seek professional advice if you don't know how to do something! Read my complete disclosure here.

The post I Should Not Be This Excited About Dirt. appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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