Monday, October 17, 2016

Master Bedroom: Celing Fan or Luxury Light?

It's only natural: while in the midst of working on outdoor projects, I start thinking about interior changes that I've never gotten around to completing. I mean, how much interest can one have in digging through Georgia clay before they start thinking about more awesome things like light fixtures, amiright?

Lately, I've been considering how much time I spend in my master bedroom. And yet, almost shamefully, this perpetual DIYer has never upgraded the ugly “temporary” boob light - that was first installed not long after moving in - to something more substantial.


I guess I always figured that the right fixture would just serendipitously come along one day, much like some of the other light fixtures have in this house (don't you love it when something just finds you?). But perhaps it's eluded me for so long because I haven't been able to decide on the biggest element: should I go for the pretty light, or the functional one?

It's no secret that ceiling fans aren't that pretty. BUT I also live in Atlanta, where it gets hot as Hades for a significant portion of the year. So, as much as I would like to skip right ahead to something aesthetically pleasing, there's part of me that knows that a ceiling fan is the more practical option. It is a lot of ugly, though.

After an exhaustive search of thirty minutes (when you know you've got losing odds with your choices, that's about all I could spend on this needle in a haystack), I found only two options I really liked (I have a program that runs on this site that might link the products below to affiliates, which just helps to support this site if you were to purchase through the recommended products linked here; for more, see my disclosure page). The first (from Shades of Light) has a sleek profile and a good color combo, which I don't entirely hate, and the price tag is pretty reasonable too. The second (from Lowe's) is similarly priced, but it's more of the classic 5-blade style and with more contrast.

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Ceiling fans might be getting slightly more stylish than how they used to be, but let's be honest: they simply have a hard time competing with these beauties!

left / top right / bottom right


All three are from Shades of Light, but the first one literally costs more than what I paid for all of the flooring in my entire house! So, no (still pretty, though). But I did find two comparable lights that look just as elegant.

top / bottom left / bottom right


So tell me, those of you who have had a similar dilemma: what did you ultimately choose? And are you still happy with your choice? I'd love to know!


The post Master Bedroom: Celing Fan or Luxury Light? appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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