Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Duluth Trading Giveaway

This has already been quite the busy week, most of which has been spent reminding myself that I’m an adult and have to do things like renew my tag, visit the bank, and make lots of boring phone calls. I tend to procrastinate on these kinds of things more than I’d like, but I suppose that’s a good thing since they’ll pile up to a single week of getting lots of things crossed off my to-do list, for which I can then procrastinate until they pile up again. #circleofbills

And remember: as kids, we were willing to trade these adult responsibilities for the prospect of being able to eat cake for breakfast and stay up as late as we want.

…I just wish I still had the metabolism to not gain weight when I did those things (#suckered).

Anyway, I thought that this week could use an infusion of something fun for you guys to get out of this busy week, regardless if I have time to photograph some new projects or not (I should have one up before week’s end though). Hence, a giveaway. And it’s also from one of my favorite brands and they seem to love it when I ramble on nonsense like this, even when it has nothing to do with clothing, gear, or coveting their awesome leather bags.

duluth trading leather bag

Oh — and Father’s Day is coming up, so this is a pretty decent chance to not get him a tie he won’t wear. Two of you will win a $50 gift card, which you can either give to him, give to someone else, or keep for yourself. No judgement here.

Giveaways are never fun unless I ask you to answer a funny question, so once again we’ll keep this simple as usual with you providing some entertainment in the form of Q & A. So here’s the question you’ll have to answer in the comments:

Q: What was the STRANGEST advice you ever heard, but that actually WORKED?

As usual, I’ll answer first! A: Duct tape gets rid of warts. I’m serious. It works. I tried it on the bottom of my foot back in high school, and it saved me from an extremely painful foot surgery.

I’m using Rafflecopter for this giveaway, so if you have trouble entering or seeing it on a reader, you’ll probably need to click through (you’ll have to click through to leave the comment anyway, so this shouldn’t be much of an issue).


Onto the giveaway! Here are the other rules/details:

  • Prize: $50 gift card to Duluth Trading Company
  • Number of winners: 2
  • Giveaway ends: Sunday, June 14 11:59 PM
  • Ships: U.S. only.
  • To enter: leave a comment answering the question above & mark that you’ve entered on Rafflecopter (you must do both to achieve entry).

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The post Duluth Trading Giveaway appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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