Sunday, November 15, 2015

Breakfast Area Lighting Options (& Mini Mood Board)


So, about that light in the kitchen:

After spending part of my afternoon to install it, I have decided I’m not a fan.

When I first bought it (a year ago?), I thought it was a good choice. It was inexpensive and perfectly “fine” for a light fixture that was going to replace a gumball light that no one wanted anyway. But as anyone who has been redecorating a home knows, sometimes tastes evolve as the project moves forward. It also took some unexpected effort to install this thing, so I really really wanted to try to like it; I even considered DIYing a hack to get it more like what I think I want now. But eventually, had to admit defeat. It’s just not the right choice for the room.

So now, I’m stuck with a light I can’t return and wanting to find something new. But what?

lighting options - breakfast nook

Fortunately, there are a lot of amazing options in my less-than-$250 price range.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of amazing options in my less-than-$250 price range. So many, in fact, that I rigged this nifty little scroll-y thing below for you to browse through my top choices if you wanna do some online shopping with me (contains affiliates). It’s kind of a neat change of pace from the match-the-number-to-the-link routine.

Lighting Options

However… I don’t want to make the mistake of choosing the wrong one again, so I also whipped up a mood board to help put all of the elements of the area together and visualize it. I bought the stools a long time ago and mentioned the paint color back in this post, so the rest of the to-do list mostly consists of putting up the crown, finishing the baseboard paint, installing a bar to match the kitchen countertops, and finding a simple rug or runner for the floor.

breakfast nook mini mood board

My favorite light fixture is the one in the pic above, but it looks like it’s already sold out. I’m thinking of a DIY option instead, but if it proves too much of a challenge, one of these other choices could be fun too.

Speaking of DIY challenges, Sandra from Sawdust Girl is going to be hosting a “sCrap Wood Challenge” on Nov. 20th that I plan to participate in. If you want to play along, raid your scrap wood pile and create something (no new wood pieces, check the link for more details) and be ready to link up your post (or if you don’t have a blog, just use the #sCrapWoodChallenge hashtag on social media). There’s no prize for this as far as I know, but it’s really fun to look at things people can come up with. I have a plan for what I want to do and what I plan to do if the thing I want to do takes too long to finish before Friday, so just think of this as a way to force yourself to get rid of all of that stuff you’re hoarding in your garage. Have a great week!


The post Breakfast Area Lighting Options (& Mini Mood Board) appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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