Monday, November 2, 2015

DIY Halloween Costume 2015


This year’s Halloween costume was a lot of fun to make. And I was very, very proud of it.

It’s been a few years since I’ve come up with a fun costume idea, but once I saw Katy Perry’s Super Bowl halftime performance in February, I knew this was going to be an awesome DIY!

katy perry costume
makeup image credit: Pausa Para Feminices

To make the costume, I started with a white halter dress that I found on clearance from Urban Outfitters (took a while to find a good one with the right lines!). I then sectioned off panels of the dress with duct tape and spray dye. Waiting for each part to dry took some patience, but it gave me time to cover some old high heels in glitter, make a fake microphone out of a plastic cup, and create the blue belt out of grosgrain ribbon and stick-on velcro. After drying, I lined each colored panel with glitter and fabric adhesive and attached the boob panels with iron-on hem tape.

I’m not used to wearing a lot of makeup on a daily basis, but some temporary black hair dye and watching a few tutorials for how to do my eyes finished off the rest. I cannot exaggerate how much I LOVED my costume and was incredibly excited to wear it to a friend’s Halloween party!

I may have gone a little selfie-happy on Saturday night, but it was simply too much fun.

Not to mention, I was kinda digging my little Left Shark prop.

Happy Halloween! What was your costume?


The post DIY Halloween Costume 2015 appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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