Friday, December 11, 2015

My Favorite of Favorites: Hard Boiled Egg Cookies


Here’s the deal with these cookies: aside from the fact that they have one of the worst names in the history of naming—well, anything— hard boiled egg cookies are my absolute FAVORITE Christmas cookies to snarf down. Even though they sound about as appetizing as a whiskey shot with a pickle juice chaser, they don’t taste at all like eggs. They are a lot like sugar or butter cookies, but they have a soft, sweet-but-not-too-sweet, chewy texture that pairs perfectly with a cold glass of milk.

hard boiled egg cookies

I like these even more than Thin Mints. And I can eat the hell out of a sleeve of Thin Mints. Is that convincing enough?

great granny cookie cutters
Family tradition. These cookie cutters are my great-grandmothers. See how there’s only a tiny bit of red paint still left on the handles?

Last Friday, I shared with you my grandmother’s favorite cookie recipe (kolaches) and what it meant to me to have these around now that she’s gone. I promised ages ago that I’d share both recipes, so I’m here to pay up and give you the details, even if you decide that the name is just too hard to get over.

hard boiled egg cookies

Or, you could call them by name in front of your kids and basically guarantee that you can hoard them all to yourself. It’s genius.

rolling out cookie dough

Granny’s Hard Boiled Egg Cookies

  • 4 c. flour
  • 2 c. sugar
  • 4 tsp. baking powder
  • 2 tsp. vanilla
  • ½ lbs. butter softened
  • 4 hard boiled egg yolks sifted
  • 4 whole eggs
Mix sugar, flour, baking powder, hard boil egg yolks and butter. Mix like a pie crust (dough should be bits not solid). Add 4 whole eggs and vanilla. Makes a stiff dough. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and chill for about a ½ hour before rolling out on floured surface. Cut into favorite shapes. Bake at 350 degrees until the edges are brown (about 12 minutes).

hard boiled egg cookies

I prefer them plain with a small wash of egg white on top because I’m not a big icing fan, but the rest of my family is insistent on icing or adding sanding sugar to a few so that I’m not the only one who can enjoy them.

hard boiled egg cookies

In our family tradition, I like to eat them while they’re still warm from the oven, which is also a fine time to dust them with sugar (if you didn’t do it before putting them in the oven), but you should generally wait until they’ve cooled to ice them. Mom has a long standing tradition of ignoring this rule altogether when baking, so I have fond memories of iced cookies with a see-through spot on top (or in the case of birthdays, whole top layers sliding from their base). Ahh, childhood.


(Speaking of, the entire time I was writing this post, I said the word “cookies” so much I had a memory flashback of watching Troop Beverly Hills. I know I’m dating myself, but does anyone else remember that movie?)


The post My Favorite of Favorites: Hard Boiled Egg Cookies appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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