Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving from Charlie!

Happy Thanksgiving, folks! My family and I celebrated early so more family members could join over the weekend, but as usual, we're still planning on our Black Friday tradition. I'm enjoying some family time, eating leftover pie for breakfast, and left my laptop at home, so I'm making my first-ever attempt at writing this entire post from my phone (albeit on a bit of a cinnamon sugar high).

And as for Charlie, she too has her own tradition whenever she visits my parents' house. For one, she guts one of the stuffed toys she found in the toy basket (because they belong to Buddy, so she spitefully destroys)…

Charlie destroying stuffed toys

She also begs for food but refuses to go into the kitchen (she has a thing about not going in that room, which is weird and quirky and that's why I love her).

Dog begging for food

And finally, this:

All. Day. Long.

So, I hope you have a happy turkey day. Thank you for following along, thank you for your comments, and I'm very grateful for all of you! <3

The post Happy Thanksgiving from Charlie! appeared first on The Ugly Duckling House.

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